love changes everything

Volunteer Day

October 5, 2024

8am Kick-off at Susi Q

9am - 12pm Volunteer Projects

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Volunteer Day

OCTOBER 5, 2024

We are excited to host “Love Laguna Beach", our 2nd city wide volunteer day, where residents, businesses, city government, faith-based organizations, and non-profits will unite to make our city a better place. 
On Saturday, October 5th, we will start the day with a Kick-Off Event from 8-9am.  Coffee and refreshments will be served while we gather all our project leaders and volunteers for a big send off!
Our goal is to provide project opportunities (9am-12pm) scattered all around the City of Laguna Beach for people of all ages to participate and make a difference! There is no other event designed to collectively bring people together like Love Laguna Beach. We hope to see you there!

Our Mission

is to inspire our community to love each other through connecting, participating, giving, and serving.

What is Love Laguna Beach?

Love Laguna Beach is a city-wide movement for everyone who loves our city and wants to be part of seeking its peace and prosperity.

About Us


  • Identify projects that could be done in our city (e.g. Clean up, help a neighbor, donation drive, etc.)
  • Be or recruit a Project Leader!
  • Financially sponsor or donate in-kind goods/services for Love Laguna Beach.
  • Sign up to Volunteer on October 5th and help make our city even better!

Please contact us if you would like more information on getting involved!


Contact Us

If you have a question or comment we would like to help.
If you have a story you would like to share with us we would love to hear it!